Part 3
This section covers the various circuit boards which make up or are
used with Sun systems. This includes: CPU boards/motherboards; memory
boards; video boards and video accelerator boards; SCSI controller
boards; non-SCSI disk controller boards such as SMD and IPI controllers
and boards used to connect non-SCSI disks to SCSI busses; non-SCSI tape
controller boards such as those used with 9-track tapes; Ethernet boards
(boards for systems where Ethernet is not integrated into the
CPU/motherboard and boards providing second, third, etc. network
connections for systems with integrated Ethernet) and boards for other
networks such as Token-Ring and FDDI; communication boards, including
serial, parallel, synchronous, and X.25 boards; floating-point and other
system accelerator boards; cardcage backplanes; and boards not covered
by the categories above. The first subsection is a brief listing of
boards described in the rest of this section, sorted by bus type
(Multibus, VME, P4, ISA, SBus, MBus, XDBus, SCSI, None).
Crossreference by bus
370-0502 ? 0167 Computer Products Corporation TAPEMASTER
370-1012 Xylogics 450 SMD controller
370-1021 Sky Floating Point Processor
501-0288 3COM 3C400 Ethernet
501-0289 color video
501-1003 monochrome video/keyboard/mouse TTL only
501-1004 Sun-2 Ethernet
501-1006 Sun-2 SCSI/serial
501-1007 100U, 2/120, 2/170 CPU
501-1013 1M RAM
501-1048 1M RAM
501-1051 2/120, 2/170 CPU
501-1052 monochrome video/keyboard/mouse ECL/TTL
501-1232 4M RAM
xxx-xxxx Systech MTI-800A/1600A Multiple Terminal Interface
xxx-xxxx Systech VPC-2200 Versatec Printer/Plotter controller
501-1014 Sun-2 color framebuffer
501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, 6U
501-1055 GP graphics processor (accelerator)
501-1058 GB graphics buffer (used with GP)
501-1089 cg3 color framebuffer
501-1100 3/2xx CPU
501-1102 3/2xx 8M memory
501-1116 cg3 color framebuffer
501-1131 3/1xx 2M memory
501-1132 3/1xx 4M memory
501-1138 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, external
501-1139 GP+ graphics processor (accelerator)
501-1149 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, internal
501-1167 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, internal/external
501-1170 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, internal
501-1206 3/2xx CPU
501-1217 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, external
501-1236 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, 6U
501-1267 cg5 color framebuffer
501-1268 GP2 graphics processor (accelerator)
501-1319 cg3 color framebuffer
501-1383 TAAC-1 system accelerator, POP board
501-1434 cg9 color framebuffer
501-1447 TAAC-1 system accelerator, DFB board
370-1010 Adaptec ACB4000 SCSI-MFM controller
370-1011 Sysgen SC4000 SCSI/QIC-II controller
xxx-xxxx Emulex MT-02 SCSI/QIC-02 controller
xxx-xxxx Emulex MD21 SCSI-ESDI controller
501-1075 3/50 motherboard
501-1133 3/50 motherboard
501-1162 3/50 motherboard
501-1205 3/60 motherboard
501-1207 3/50 motherboard
501-1322 3/60 motherboard
501-1334 3/60 motherboard
501-1345 3/60 motherboard
501-1689 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
501-1690 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
501-1835 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
CPU boards/motherboards
501-1007(-04 to -08) 100U,2/120,2/170 CPU Multibus
10MHz 68010, no floating point chip, MMU, no on-board memory.
Multibus interface.
The CPU board is entirely concealed within the chassis. On one
long edge, it has Multibus card-edge connectors. On the other
long edge, from top to bottom, it has: a header connector for the
Sun-1 parallel keyboard and mouse, eight LEDs, and a 50-pin header
connector (J1) for two serial ports.
Jumper information:
J200 Crystal shunt JUMPED by default
Located by crystal at D1.
Removed for A.T.E. testing, installed for normal operation.
J400 EPROM select JUMPED by default
Located by EPROMs at D10.
1-2 selects 27128 EPROMs (default)
3-4 selects 27256 EPROMs
J700 Bus priority on serial arbitration UNJUMPED by default
Located by bus connectors.
J701 Common bus request arbiter UNJUMPED by default
Located by bus connectors.
If the CPU board is used in conjunction with a Multibus DMA
board (such as a disk or tape controller) that does NOT
support the Common Bus Request (CBRQ), the CPU board must be
configured such that it gives up the Multibus after every
Multibus cycle, by jumping J701. This also causes three
additional wait states for each Multibus access. When this
jumper is unjumped, the CPU board retains bus mastership until
a lower priority master requests it by asserting CBRQ.
Following a CBRQ, the CPU board yields mastership for at least
one cycle. Certain machine configurations (especially those
with color) will be much slower if this jumper is jumped.
J702 Enables the CCLK on P1 JUMPED by default
Located by bus connectors.
J703 Enables the BCLK on P1 JUMPED by default
Located by bus connectors.
J801 Selects +5V for the parallel mouse UNJUMPED by default
Located by J2 header connector.
Used only in 100U configurations (?).
The two serial ports on J1 are usually labelled SIO-A and SIO-B
on the back of the machine and appear as /dev/ttya and /dev/ttyb
under SunOS. The documented maximum output speed is 19200 bps.
All ports are wired DTE and are compatible with both RS-232C and
RS-423, using Zilog Z8530A dual UART chips. The pinout of J1 is:
3 TxD-A 14 DTR-A 33 DD-B
4 DB-A 15 DCD-A 34 CTS-B
5 RxD-A 22 DA-A 36 DSR-B
7 RTS-A 24 BSY-A 38 GND-B
8 DD-A 28 TxD-B 39 DTR-B
9 CTS-A 29 DB-B 40 DCD-B
11 DSR-A 30 RxD-B 47 DA-B
13 GND-A 32 RTS-B 49 BSY-B
Power requirements are +5V @ 6A.
501-1051 2/120,2/170 CPU Multibus
10MHz 68010, no floating point chip, MMU, no on-board memory.
Multibus interface.
The CPU board is entirely concealed within the chassis. On one
long edge, it has Multibus card-edge connectors. On the other
long edge, from top to bottom, it has: a header connector for the
Sun-1 parallel keyboard and mouse, eight LEDs, and a 50-pin header
connector (J1) for two serial ports.
Jumper information:
Sixteen pins, hardwired. All unjumped by default.
1-2 Connects -5V to P1 -5V (default)
3-4 Connects -5V to regulator
J200 Crystal shunt JUMPED by default
Removed for A.T.E. testing, installed for normal operation.
1-2 selects 27128 EPROMs (default)
3-4 selects 27256 EPROMs
1-2 CPU drives P1 reset (jumped by default)
3-4 P1 INT drives CPU reset (unjumped by default)
5-6 serial arbiter enable (unjumped by default)
7-8 arbiter bus config select (unjumped by default)
If the CPU board is used in conjunction with a
Multibus DMA board (such as a disk or tape controller)
that does NOT support the Common Bus Request (CBRQ),
the CPU board must be configured such that it gives up
the Multibus after every Multibus cycle, by jumping
this jumper. This also causes three additional wait
states for each Multibus access. When this jumper is
unjumped, the CPU board retains bus mastership until a
lower priority master requests it by asserting CBRQ.
Following a CBRQ, the CPU board yields mastership for
at least one cycle. Certain machine configurations
(especially those with color) will be much slower if
this jumper is jumped.
1-2 CPU drives P1 BCLK (jumped by default)
3-4 CPU drives P1 CCLK (jumped by default)
Not used, unjumped by default.
The two serial ports on J1 are usually labelled SIO-A and SIO-B
on the back of the machine and appear as /dev/ttya and /dev/ttyb
under SunOS. The documented maximum output speed is 19200 bps.
All ports are wired DTE and are compatible with both RS-232C and
RS-423, using Zilog Z8530A dual UART chips. The pinout of J1 is:
3 TxD-A 14 DTR-A 33 DD-B
4 DB-A 15 DCD-A 34 CTS-B
5 RxD-A 22 DA-A 36 DSR-B
7 RTS-A 24 BSY-A 38 GND-B
8 DD-A 28 TxD-B 39 DTR-B
9 CTS-A 29 DB-B 40 DCD-B
11 DSR-A 30 RxD-B 47 DA-B
13 GND-A 32 RTS-B 49 BSY-B
Power requirements are +5V @ 6A, and -5V @ 0.1A or -12V @ 0.1A.
The last two are mutually exclusive.
501-1075 3/50 motherboard
15.7MHz 68020, a socket for a 68881 floating point chip (at
15.7MHz?), Sun-3 MMU with eight hardware contexts, up to 4M of
onboard memory. No bus interfaces.
From left to right, the back edge of the board has: a female
DB15 keyboard/mouse connector; eight LEDs (bit 0 to the left); a
switch to toggle between Normal and Diagnostics modes; a BNC
thin Ethernet connector; a female DB15 AUI Ethernet connector;
two female DB25 serial port connectors (ports B and A from left
to right); a female D50 SCSI port connector; and a female DB9
monochrome video connector.
Pin 1 is usually in the upper right corner of all connectors.
Unconnected pins are not listed.
The pinout of the keyboard/mouse connector is:
1 RxD0 (keyboard) 8 GND
3 TxD0 (keyboard) 10 VCC
4 GND 11 VCC
5 RxD1 (mouse) 12 VCC
6 GND 14 VCC
7 TxD1 (mouse) 15 VCC
The eight LEDs are used for diagnostic purposes. In the chart
below, a "1" indicates a lit LED, and a "0" indicates an unlit
LED. The pattern is shown left to right, as it appears on the
Pattern Status Error
-------- ------ -----
11111111 Resetting CPU or PROMs bad
00000000 Test 0: CPU to SCC path CPU board (SCC) bad
10000000 Test 1: boot PROM Boot PROM bad
11000000 Test 3: context register CPU board (MMU) bad
00100000 Test 4: segment map RAM rd/wr CPU board (MMU) bad
10100000 Test 5: segment map RAM CPU board (MMU) bad
01100000 Test 6: page map RAM CPU board (MMU) bad
11100000 Test 7: memory data path CPU board bad
00010000 Test 8: bus error detection CPU board bad
10010000 Test 9: interrupt capability CPU board bad
01010000 Test 10: MMU read access CPU board bad
11010000 Test 11: MMU write access CPU board bad
00110000 Test 12: write to invalid page CPU board bad
10110000 Test 13: write to protected pg CPU board bad
01110000 Test 14: parity error check CPU board bad
11110000 Test 15: parity error check CPU board bad
00001000 Test 16: memory tests CPU board bad
00000001 Self-tests have found an error See below
00000010 An exception class error found See below
"Marching ones" (cycling through 10000000, 01000000, 00100000,
etc.) indicates that Unix is running OK. On power up, it cycles
through the tests in the chart above, then boots Unix. Pattern
11111111 may also mean that a SCSI device was powered up prior
to the CPU being powered up. If LED 7 (00000001) lights up while
the tests are being performed, it indicates that the test
failed. If LED 6 (00000010) lights up while the tests are being
performed, it indicates that an unexpected error (bus error,
address error, unexpected interrupt, etc.) occurred during the
test. When all tests are finished, LED 5 (00000100) starts
blinking to indicate that the ROM monitor is running and/or Unix
is booting.
If you want the machine to boot normally, set the diagnostics
switch to "NORM" (labelled "BOOT" on some early versions). If
you want extended diagnostics when you power up the system, set
the switch to the "DIAG" position. If the switch is set to
"DIAG", power-on self-test messages are sent to serial port A.
To switch between thin and AUI Ethernet, there is an
eight-position DIP switch (0618) on the motherboard just behind
the BNC and AUI connectors. To use thin Ethernet, all eight
switches must be ON. To use AUI Ethernet, all eight switches
must be OFF. Jumper J0642, which is next to DIP switch 0618,
determines the type of the transceiver, type 1 (capacitive
coupled) or type 2 (transformer coupled). To use a type 1
transceiver, jump the two pins; to use a type 2 transceiver,
unjump the pins. The pinout of the AUI Ethernet connector is:
2 E.COL+ 9 E.COL-
3 E.TxD+ 10 E.TxD-
5 E.RxD+ 12 E.RxD-
6 GND 13 +12V
The serial ports conform to both RS-232-C and RS-423 and are
wired DTE. The documented maximum speeds are 19200 bps for
output and 9600 bps for input. The pinout of the serial ports
2 TxD (transmit data) 8 DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
3 RxD (receive data) 15 DB (transmit clock from DCE)
4 RTS (Request To Send) 17 DD (receive clock from DCE)
5 CTS (Clear To Send) 20 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready) 24 DA (transmit clock from DTE)
7 GND 25 VERR (-5V)
The DB, DD, and DA signals are not used with ordinary
asynchronous equipment such as most modems and terminals,
printers, etc.).
The pinout of the SCSI connector is:
1 GND 17 GND 34 GND
2 data bus 0 18 data parity 35 GND
3 GND 19 GND 36 busy
4 data bus 1 20 GND 37 GND
5 GND 21 GND 38 acknowledge
6 data bus 2 22 GND 39 GND
7 GND 23 GND 40 reset
8 data bus 3 24 GND 41 GND
9 GND 25 GND??? 42 message
10 data bus 4 26 ??? 43 GND
11 GND 27 GND 44 select
12 data bus 5 28 GND 45 GND
13 GND 29 GND 46 command/data
14 data bus 6 30 GND 47 GND
15 GND 31 GND 48 request
16 data bus 7 32 attention 49 GND
33 GND 50 input/output
and the pattern of the pins is:
49 46 43 .... 19 16 13 10 7 4 1
48 45 42 .... 18 15 12 9 6 3
50 47 44 41 .... 17 14 11 8 5 2
The monochrome video output levels are ECL/TTL. The pinout of
the monochrome video connector is:
A variety of parameters may be set in the EEPROM. Only settings
meaningful to the hardware are listed here; information used by
SunOS may be stored at other addresses.
0x18 Choose polling or selected boot device
0x00 poll -- search for SCSI disks, then
try to boot from network if none
0x12 boot from the selected device only
0x19-0x1D Selected boot device
first two bytes are 'sd' (0x73 0x64) to boot
from SCSI disk or 'le' (0x6C 0x65) to boot
from Ethernet
byte at 0x1B is controller number, usually 0
byte at 0x1C is unit number, usually 0
byte at 0x1D is partition number, usually 0
0x1F Set console I/O
0x00 monochrome framebuffer/keyboard
0x10 serial port A
0x11 serial port B
0x20 Choose boot display banner
0x00 Sun logo display
0x12 Display banner stored in 0x68-0xB7
0x21 Turn keyboard "click" on or off
0x00 no click
0x12 click
0x22-0x26 Specify diagnostic boot device (when NORM/DIAG
switch in DIAG position)
as 0x19-0x1D, or all zeroes to invoke ROM
0x28-0x4F Specify diagnostic boot path (when NORM/DIAG
switch in DIAG position)
ASCII codes for path and filename (?) to boot,
or all zeroes to invoke ROM monitor
0x68-0xB7 Custom banner
ASCII codes for desired banner, padded with
spaces and ending with 0x0D, 0x0A in
locations 0xB6 and 0xB7
Power requirements are +5V @ 13.5A max, -5.2V @ 0.8A max, and
+12V @ 0.5A max.
501-1100 3/2xx CPU VME
25MHz 68020, 20MHz 68881 floating point chip, Sun-3 MMU with
eight hardware contexts, no on-board memory but 64K write-back
cache, direct-mapped, virtually-indexed and virtually-tagged,
with 16-byte lines. VME interface. 256K of dual-ported video RAM
for the onboard high-resolution monochrome framebuffer.
From top to bottom, the back edge of the board has: two female
DB25 serial ports (A and B, respectively); a female DB15 AUI
Ethernet connector; a reset button; a switch to toggle between
Normal and Diagnostics modes; a female DB15 keyboard/mouse
connector; eight LEDs; and at the bottom, a female DB9 high-res
monochrome video connector.
The serial ports conform to both RS-232-C and RS-423 and are
wired DTE. The pinout of the serial ports is:
2 TxD (transmit data) 8 DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
3 RxD (receive data) 15 DB (transmit clock from DCE)
4 RTS (Request To Send) 17 DD (receive clock from DCE)
5 CTS (Clear To Send) 20 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready) 24 DA (transmit clock from DTE)
7 GND 25 -5V
The pinout of the AUI Ethernet connector is:
1 chassis ground 7 VCC
2 E.COL+ 9 E.COL-
3 E.TxD+ 10 E.TxD-
4 chassis ground 12 E.RxD-
5 E.RxD+ 13 +12V
Note that VCC on pin 7 will be present only when pins 3-4 of
jumper J2401 are jumped.
The user reset button invokes a watchdog reset. The result
depends on the value at address 0x17 of the EEPROM (see table
If you want the machine to boot normally, set the diagnostics
switch to "NORM". If you want extended diagnostics when you
power up the system, set the switch to the "DIAG" position. If
the switch is set to "DIAG", power-on self-test messages are
sent to serial port A at 9600 bps or serial port B at 1200 bps.
The pinout of the keyboard/mouse connector is:
1 RxD0 (keyboard) 8 GND
3 TxD0 (keyboard) 10 VCC
4 GND 11 VCC
5 RxD1 (mouse) 12 VCC
6 GND 14 VCC
7 TxD1 (mouse) 15 VCC
The eight LEDs are used for diagnostic purposes. In the chart
below, a "1" indicates a lit LED, and a "0" indicates an unlit
LED. Bit 0 is at the top and bit 7 is at the bottom; the
patterns below are shown with bit 0 on the left.
Pattern Status
-------- ------
11111111 Resetting
10000000 PROM checksum test
01000000 DVMA register test
11000000 Context register test
00100000 Segment map read/write test
10100000 Segment map address test
01100000 Page map test
11100000 Memory path data test
00010000 Nonexistent memory bus error test
10010000 Interrupt test
01010000 Time-Of-Day clock interrupt test
11010000 MMU protection/status tests
00110000 ECC error test
10110000 Cache data 3-pattern test
01110000 Cache tag 3-pattern test
11110000 Memory tests
01001111 Initializing MMU
00000001 Self-tests have found an error
00000010 An exception class error occurred
"Marching ones" (cycling through 10000000, 01000000, 00100000,
etc.) indicates that Unix is running OK. On power up, it cycles
through the tests in the chart above, then boots Unix. If LED 7
(00000001) lights up while the tests are being performed, it
indicates that the test failed. If LED 6 (00000010) lights up
while the tests are being performed, it indicates that an
unexpected error (bus error, address error, unexpected
interrupt, etc.) occurred during the test. When all tests are
finished, LED 5 (00000100) starts blinking to indicate that the
ROM monitor is running and/or Unix is booting.
The monochrome video output levels are TTL (HSYNC and VSYNC)/
ECL (Video+ and Video-). The output is high resolution (1600 x
1100) only and a high-resolution monochrome monitor must be
used. The pinout of the monochrome video connector is:
The ID PROM is at location E4.
There is a lithium battery (BBCV2) on this board. It is
Matsushita Electric/Panasonic part number BR2325. It is
documented as not being a customer-replacable part.
Ethernet operation is governed by jumper J2401 in grid location
A-16. Factory configurations are marked with "*".
pins IN OUT
---- -- ---
1-2 *enable Ethernet clock disable Ethernet clock
3-4 +5V to Ethernet tap *no voltage (?)
5-6 type 1 transceiver (capacitive) *type 2 transceiver (xformer)
7-8 *UART clock enable UART clock disable
Operation of the VME bus is governed by jumpers J300, J500,
J2500, and J2600. J300 is found only on 501-1100 boards.
J300 at H-2 (only on 501-1100 boards)
1-2 P2 bus enable P2 bus disable
J500 at H-3/H-4
1-2 *VME interrupt level 1 (enable?)
3-4 *VME interrupt level 2 (enable?)
5-6 *VME interrupt level 3 (enable?)
7-8 *VME interrupt level 4 (enable?)
9-10 *VME interrupt level 5 (enable?)
11-12 *VME interrupt level 6 (enable?)
13-14 *VME interrupt level 7 (enable?)
15-16 nothing *nothing
J2500 at L-11
1-2 *CPU is VME arbiter & requester
3-4 CPU is VME requester only *
5-6 CPU is VME reset slave *
7-8 *CPU is VME reset master
J2600 at L-9
1-2 *enable VME clock disable VME clock
Operation of the CPU is governed by jumpers J100, J200, and
J100 at H-5
1-2 68020 cache disable *68020 cache enable
J200 at J-6
1-2 nothing *nothing
3-4 *25MHz CPU enable
5-6 select 25MHz 68881 clock *
7-8 *select 20MHz 68881 clock
J2000 at H-1
1-2 *select 27512 boot PROM
3-4 select 27256 boot PROM
A variety of parameters may be set in the EEPROM. Only settings
meaningful to the hardware are listed here; information used by
SunOS may be stored at other addresses. There are probably other
settings which are not listed.
0x16 Should contain 0x13 for a 1600x1280 screen
0x17 Reset switch action
0x00 invoke ROM monitor
0x12 imitate power-on reset
0x1F Display device
0x00 monochrome monitor
0x10 terminal on serial port A
0x11 terminal on serial port B
0x12 color framebuffer/monitor
0x50 Number of columns
0x51 Number of rows
501-1133 3/50 motherboard
See 501-1075.
501-1162 3/50 motherboard
See 501-1075.
501-1205 3/60 motherboard
20MHz 68020, 20MHz 68881 floating point chip, Sun-3 MMU with
eight hardware contexts, up to 24M on-board SIMM memory. No bus
interface, but a P4 connector for a color video board or other
option -- not the same as the P4 in the 3/80 or any SPARC model.
From left to right, the back edge of the board has: a female
DB15 keyboard/mouse connector; eight LEDs (bit 0 to the right); a
switch to toggle between Normal and Diagnostics modes; a BNC
thin Ethernet connector; a female DB15 AUI Ethernet connector;
two female DB25 serial port connectors (ports B and A from left
to right); a female D50 SCSI port connector; and a female DB9
monochrome video connector. Above these are an upper row of
cutouts or connectors for color video and other options.
Pin 1 is usually in the upper right corner of all connectors.
Unconnected pins are not listed.
The pinout of the keyboard/mouse connector is:
1 RxD0 (keyboard) 8 GND
3 TxD0 (keyboard) 10 VCC
4 GND 11 VCC
5 RxD1 (mouse) 12 VCC
6 GND 14 VCC
7 TxD1 (mouse) 15 VCC
The eight LEDs are used for diagnostic purposes. In the chart
below, a "1" indicates a lit LED, and a "0" indicates an unlit
LED. The pattern is shown right to left, as it appears on the
Pattern Status
-------- ------
11111111 Resetting
00000001 PROM checksum test
00000011 Context register test
00000100 Segment map read/write test
00000101 Segment map address test
00000110 Page map test
00000111 Memory path data test
00001000 Nonexistent memory bus error test
00001001 Interrupt test
00001010 Time-Of-Day clock interrupt test
00001011 MMU protection/status tests
00001110 Parity error test #1
00001111 Parity error test #2
00010000 Memory test
10000000 Self-tests have found an error
01000000 An exception class error occurred
"Marching ones" (cycling through 10000000, 01000000, 00100000,
etc.) indicates that Unix is running OK. On power up, it cycles
through the tests in the chart above, then boots Unix. If LED 7
(10000000) lights up while the tests are being performed, it
indicates that the test failed. If LED 6 (01000000) lights up
with the tests are being performed, it indicates that an
unexpected error (bus error, address error, unexpected
interrupt, etc.) occurred during the test. When all tests are
finished, LED 5 (00100000) starts blinking to indicate that the
ROM monitor is running and/or Unix is booting.
If you want the machine to boot normally, set the diagnostics
switch to "NORM". If you want extended diagnostics when you
power up the system, set the switch to the "DIAG" position. If
the switch is set to "DIAG", power-on self-test messages are
sent to serial port A at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no
parity, and XON/XOFF flow control.
To switch between thin and AUI Ethernet, there is a jumper block
in the forward left corner of the motherboard. The jumper
labelled "EXTXVR" (the second in from the right) should be
jumped for AUI Ethernet and unjumped for thin Ethernet. The
pinout of the AUI Ethernet connector is:
1 chassis ground 7 VCC
2 E.COL+ 9 E.COL-
3 E.TxD+ 10 E.TxD-
4 chassis ground 12 E.RxD-
5 E.RxD+ 13 +12V
The serial ports conform to both RS-232-C and RS-423 and are
wired DTE. The pinout of the serial ports is:
2 TxD (transmit data) 8 DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
3 RxD (receive data) 15 DB (transmit clock from DCE)
4 RTS (Request To Send) 17 DD (receive clock from DCE)
5 CTS (Clear To Send) 20 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready) 24 DA (transmit clock from DTE)
7 GND 25 VERR (-5V)
The DB, DD, and DA signals are not used with ordinary
asynchronous equipment such as most modems and terminals,
printers, etc.).
The pinout of the SCSI connector is:
1 GND 17 GND 34 GND
2 data bus 0 18 data parity 35 GND
3 GND 19 GND 36 busy
4 data bus 1 20 GND 37 GND
5 GND 21 GND 38 acknowledge
6 data bus 2 22 GND 39 GND
7 GND 23 GND 40 reset
8 data bus 3 24 GND 41 GND
9 GND 25 GND??? 42 message
10 data bus 4 26 ??? 43 GND
11 GND 27 GND 44 select
12 data bus 5 28 GND 45 GND
13 GND 29 GND 46 command/data
14 data bus 6 30 GND 47 GND
15 GND 31 GND 48 request
16 data bus 7 32 attention 49 GND
33 GND 50 input/output
and the pattern of the pins is:
49 46 43 .... 19 16 13 10 7 4 1
48 45 42 .... 18 15 12 9 6 3
50 47 44 41 .... 17 14 11 8 5 2
The monochrome video output levels are ECL/TTL. The output can be
switched between low resolution (1152 x 900) and high resolution
(1600 x 1100) via a jumper in the front left corner of the
motherboard. The jumper labelled "HIGHRES" (the rightmost
jumper) should be jumped for high resolution operation and
unjumped for low resolution operation. The pinout of the
monochrome video connector is:
Memory is in the form of up to 24 1Mx9 SIMMs, rated 100ns or
faster, installed in groups of four starting with the SIMM slots
nearest the back of the motherboard and moving forward. These
SIMMs are the same kind used in IBM PC clones. Note that some
users have experienced problems with three-chip SIMMs (as
opposed to nine-chip SIMMs) -- see Misc Q&A #17. The amount of
memory present is set via a jumper block in the front left
corner of the motherboard. The leftmost six jumpers (labelled
"4MB", "8MB", "12MB", "16MB", "20MB", and "24MB") must be set so
that the jumpers up to the amount of memory installed are
jumped, and all higher jumpers are unjumped. For example, a
motherboard with 8M of memory should have the "4MB" and "8MB"
jumpers jumped and the rest unjumped.
Power requirements are +5V @ 11/13.5A typical/max, -5.2V @
0.3/0.5A typical/max, and +12V @ 0.3/0.5A typical/max.
501-1206 3/2xx CPU VME
See 501-1100.
501-1207 3/50 motherboard
See 501-1075.
501-1322 3/60 motherboard
See 501-1205.
501-1334 3/60 motherboard
See 501-1205.
501-1345 3/60 motherboard
See 501-1205.
501-1689 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
There are three replaceable fuses on the motherboard:
F071 Keyboard/mouse
2A fuse, PN 150-1162, loated above the serial ports
F0801 SCSI terminator power
1.5A fuse, PN 150-1162, located next to F0802
F0802 Ethernet transceiver power
2A fuse, PN 150-1974, located on the corner of the motherboard
by the SCSI connector
These fuses look like little plastic light bulbs about half an
inch long.
Memory is in the form of 1M or 4M x 9 30-pin 80ns SIMMs in three
Nearest disk connectors
_______ _______
| | | |
| 0 | | 1 |
| | | |
|_______| |_______|
| |
| 2 |
| |
Nearest SBus connectors
501-1690 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
See 501-1689.
501-1835 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
See 501-1689.
Memory boards
501-1013 1M Multibus
One megabyte of zero-wait-state memory with parity, consisting
of 144 64K x 1-bit chips. Connected to the processor by the
Multibus P2 connector only; the Multibus P1 connector is used
only for +5V and ground connections.
Eight-position DIP switch U506 controls the address at which the
board appears. The switches are all mutually exclusive. To make
the board the first megabyte (starting at address 0), turn
switch 1 ON and all others OFF. To make the board the second
megabyte (starting at address 0x100000), turn switch 2 ON and
all others OFF, etc. Via this method, the board may be set for
any megabyte from the first to the eighth; the eighth is only
available for memory when a monochrome display board is not
present in the system.
Power requirements are +5V @ 3A.
501-1048 1M Multibus
Laid out differently than 501-1013, but functionally the same.
The address DIP switch is in a different location but is set in
the same manner. See 501-1013.
501-1102 8M VME 3/2xx
Eight megabytes of ECC memory consisting of 256K x 1-bit chips,
with onboard refresh control.
The first memory board in a Sun 3/2xx must always be in VME slot
6 and must have a 220/270-ohm terminator pack at location 34F.
Up to four boards are supported, with the other three boards
being in slots 2-4, and not having the terminator pack installed
at location 34F.
The jumper on the upper rear edge of the board (accessible
through the back panel) determines the memory location of the
board, in 8M increments. The first board should have the jumper
set to 0 (at the bottom); additional boards should be set to 1
through 3 (moving toward the top of the board) in order.
There are five LEDs on the upper rear edge of the board. In
normal operation, only the two green LEDs should be lit.
UE Uncorrectable error (when lit) RED
CE Correctable error (when lit) YELLOW
DIS CPU access disabled (when lit) YELLOW
CPU CPU accessing memory GREEN
This LED flickers because it is only lit when the CPU is
actually accessing the memory on the board. If the LED is not
flickering, that simply means you have more memory than you
need at the moment -- the board is not being accessed
REF Refresh OK (when lit) GREEN
If this LED is not lit, refresh has failed and the board
should be repaired or replaced.
501-1131 2M VME 3/1xx
Two megabytes of memory, similar in construction to the 501-1132
4M memory board.
There are two jumpers near one of the VME connectors. The one
nearest the connector should be jumped, and the other unjumped.
There are two DIP switches (U3118 and U3119) near the jumpers.
These set the base address of the board. The switch positions
are mutually exclusive; within each bank, only one should be ON
at a time. U3119 is apparently not used for this board.
1 unknown
2 base address 0x200000 (starts at 2M)
3 base address 0x400000 (starts at 4M)
4 base address 0x600000 (starts at 6M)
5-8 unknown
501-1132 4M VME 3/1xx
Four megabytes of memory, similar in construction to the
501-1131 2M memory board.
There are two jumpers near one of the VME connectors. The one
farther away from the connector should be jumped, and the other
There are two DIP switches (U3118 and U3119) near the jumpers.
These set the base address of the board. The switch positions
are mutually exclusive; within each bank, only one should be ON
at a time.
base address U3118 U3119
------------ ----- -----
0x200000 (2M) 2 3
0x400000 (4M) 3 4
0x600000 (6M) 4 5
0x800000 (8M) 5 6
0xA00000 (10M) 6 7
0xC00000 (12M) 7 8
501-1232 4M Multibus
Four megabytes of memory, with parity, consisting of 144 256K x 1
chips, 120ns. 14-pin jumper at U1115, may control address. My board
is the first 4M of RAM and pins 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 are jumped.
Video boards
Sun-1 monochrome framebuffer.
The standard monochrome framebuffer, found in everything
from the first Sun-2 to desktop SPARCs, and the 386i as
well. Standard resolution is 1152 x 900 and high
resolution is 1280 x 1024; other resolutions may exist.
No information.
Note that the ROM monitor in a machine may or may not know about any
particular color framebuffer, depending on the revision of the ROM and
the age of the framebuffer standard. If the ROM does not know how to
detect/display on the particular color framebuffer you have installed,
it will be unable to display the normal ROM boot messages. This does not
affect OS support for the framebuffer; if you are willing to boot blind,
SunOS should find the framebuffer and start displaying on it normally.
The alternative is to get a more recent ROM or a different framebuffer.
Sun-1 color framebuffer. Can run SunWindows. The
hardware occupies 16K of Multibus address space, by
default starting at addresses 0xE8000 or 0xEC000 and
using interrupt level 3.
VME-based color framebuffer found in Sun-3's and
Sun-4's. The hardware occupies 4M of VMEbus address
space, by default starting at address 0x400000 and using
interrupt level 4.
8-bit color framebuffer found in Sun-4's and Sun-386i's.
8-bit color framebuffer, found in Sun-3's and Sun-4's,
with a monochrome overlay plane and an overlay enable
plane on the 3/110 and some 3/60 models. It is the
onboard framebuffer for the 3/110. The SunOS driver
implements ioctls to get and put colormaps; the 3/60
models have an overlay plane colormap as well.
No information.
8-bit accelerated (GX) color framebuffer, found in
Sun-3's and Sun-4's. The GX accelerator is a low-end
accelerator designed to enhance vector and polygon
drawing performance.
24-bit color framebuffer, found in Sun-3's and Sun-4's,
with a monochrome overlay plane and in some cases an
overlay enable plane as well. Despite being 24-bit, the
SunOS driver is documented as implementing ioctls to get
and put colormaps.
24-bit double-buffered VME-based color framebuffer, with
two overlay planes and the ability to work with the GP2
graphics accelerator board. In double-buffer mode, color
resolution is reduced to 12 bits.
24-bit double-buffered SBus-based color framebuffer,
with graphics accelerator, an overlay plane and an
overlay enable plane. Apparently can run in an 8-bit
colormapped mode as well. In double-buffer mode, color
resolution is reduced to 12 bits.
Generic name for Graphics Processor (GP), Graphics
Processor Plus (GP+), and Graphics Processor 2 (GP2)
boards. The hardware occupies 64K of VMEbus address space,
starting at address 0x210000 by default and using interrupt
level 4.
501-1003 monochrome video/keyboard/mouse TTL only Multibus
From top to bottom on the rear edge of the board are a female
DB-9 video connector, a header connector for the serial type 2
keyboard, and a header connector for the serial Sun-2 mouse.
This board must be placed in a slot in the Multibus P2
section shared by the CPU. For backplane P/N 501-1090, it must
be placed in slot 6 to terminate the P2 bus; for newer
backplanes, it is usually placed in slot 6 anyway.
DIP switch and jumper information for revisions -03 through -07:
U100 DIP switch video board address
Eight-position DIP switch. All switches are mutually exclusive
and they correspond to megabyte sections of the address space
in the same way as the 501-1013 memory board. The first video
board must be set to the eighth megabyte, which means switch
eight must be ON and all others must be OFF.
J1903 jumper serial interrupt level select
pins 13-14 jumped by default, all others unjumped
J1904 jumper video interrupt level select
pins 9-10 jumped by default, all others unjumped
Power requirements are +5V @ 4A.
501-1052 monochrome video/keyboard/mouse ECL/TTL Multibus
From top to bottom on the rear edge of the board are a female
DB-9 video connector, a header connector for the serial type 2
keyboard, and a header connector for the serial Sun-2 mouse.
This board must be placed in a slot in the Multibus P2
section shared by the CPU. For backplane P/N 501-1090, it must
be placed in slot 6 to terminate the P2 bus; for newer
backplanes, it is usually placed in slot 6 anyway.
Jumper information (note that pin 1 is to the right if you
hold the board with the printing right-side up -- the same
orientation as the ICs):
Bits read on startup to determine size of screen, either
standard (1152 x 900) or 1000 x 1000. Pins 9 through 16 are
not used and unjumped. Pins 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 are always
jumped. Pins 1-2 are jumped for the standard screen and
unjumped for the 1000 x 1000 screen.
J1801 Crystal Shunt JUMPED by default
When jumped, the crystal signal is active; when unjumped, the
crystal is disabled for A.T.E. testing.
J1803 video levels
To select TTL (very early Sun-2 monitors), jump pins 1-2 and
5-6, unjump 3-4 and 7-8. To select TTL/ECL (all monochrome
monitors since then, including any that can work with
Sun-3's), jump 3-4 and 7-8 and unjump 1-2 and 5-6.
J1804 Ground test point UNJUMPED by default
Used during troubleshooting only.
J1903 Serial interrupt level select
Located at N3, farther away from the bus connectors.
pins 13-14 jumped by default, all others unjumped
J1904 Video interrupt level select
Located at N3, nearer the bus connectors.
pins 9-10 jumped by default, all others unjumped
Power requirements are +5V @ 4A.
501-0289 color video Multibus
Jumper information:
1-2 VODD JUMPED by default
3-4 VRESET JUMPED by default
5-6 SYSCP1 JUMPED by default
7-8 HRESET JUMPED by default
9-10 STATE 11 JUMPED by default
1-2 M0 JUMPED by default
3-4 M1 JUMPED by default
5-6 M2 JUMPED by default
7-8 M3 JUMPED by default
9-10 M4 JUMPED by default
11-12 M5 JUMPED by default
J3 Color board interrupt level
pins 5-6 jumped by default, all others unjumped
J4 Invert BBUS.A0
1-2 JUMPED by default
3-4 UNJUMPED by default
J5 Ground the P2 bus
All pins (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12) jumped by default.
Power requirements are +5V @ 6A and -5V @ 1.2A.
501-1014 Sun-2 color framebuffer VME
Output resolution 1152 x 900, 66Hz vertical refresh, 62KHz
horizontal sync. Known to work in 2/160, 3/160, 3/180, 3/260,
3/280, 3/460, 3/470, 3/480.
501-1058 GB graphics buffer VME
Used with GP graphics accelerator. Known to work in 2/160,
3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280, 3/460, 3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280,
4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370, 4/380.
501-1089 cg3 color framebuffer VME
Output resolution 1152 x 900, 66Hz vertical refresh, 62KHz
horizontal sync. Known to work in 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280,
3/460, 3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370,
501-1116 cg3 color framebuffer VME
See 501-1089.
501-1267 cg5 color framebuffer VME
Output resolution 1152 x 900, 66Hz vertical refresh, 62KHz
horizontal sync. Known to work in 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280,
3/460, 3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370,
4/380, 4/470, 4/490.
501-1319 cg3 color framebuffer VME
See 501-1089.
501-1434 cg9 color framebuffer VME
Output resolution 1152 x 900, 66Hz vertical refresh, 62KHz
horizontal sync. Known to work in 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280,
3/460, 3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370,
4/380, 4/470, 4/490.
501-1055 GP graphics processor VME
Known to work in 2/160, 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280, 3/460,
3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370, 4/380.
501-1139 GP+ graphics processor VME
Known to work in 2/160, 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280, 3/460,
3/480, 4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370, 4/380.
501-1268 GP2 graphics processor VME
Known to work in 3/160, 3/180, 3/260, 3/280, 3/460, 3/480,
4/150, 4/260, 4/280, 4/330, 4/350, 4/360, 4/370, 4/380, 4/470,
SCSI controller boards
501-1006 Sun-2 SCSI/serial Multibus
SCSI interface and four serial lines with full modem control.
Identifiable by its three 50-pin header connectors, one of which
(J3, the bottommost) is the SCSI interface and the other two of
which (J1 and J2) are the serial lines.
There are three DIP switches: U305, U312, and U315. Holding the
board with the 50-pin header connectors down and component side
toward you, U312 is lowest, U315 in the middle, and U305 at the
top. All three are eight-position.
U305 SCSI board base address/bus priority in (BPRN)
Switches one through six correspond to address bits A14
through A19 respectively. The default setting is switch six
on, switches one through five off. Switch eight grounds the
bus priority in (BPRN) line and must be OFF; it should be ON
only if you are configuring the board as the highest-priority
DMA master in a serial card cage (i.e. a non-Sun
U312 SCSI interrupt priority
Switches eight through one correspond to interrupt priorities
0 through 7 in that (reverse) order. The default is for switch
six to be ON and all others OFF, which yields an interrupt
priority of 2.
U315 Serial interrupt priority
Switches eight through one correspond to interrupt priorities
0 through 7 in that (reverse) order. The default is for switch
two to be ON and all others OFF, which yields an interrupt
priority of 6.
Serial ports C and D appear on connector J2, E and F on
connector J1. These are usually labelled SIO-S0 through SIO-S3
on the back of the machine (SIO-C through SIO-F on older
machines) and appear as /dev/ttys0 through /dev/ttys3 under
SunOS. If you have a second SCSI/serial board, the serial ports
appear as /dev/ttyt0 through /dev/ttyt3 under SunOS. The
documented maximum output speed is 19200 bps. All ports are
wired DTE and are compatible with both RS-232C and RS-423, using
Zilog Z8530A dual UART chips. The pinout of J2 is:
3 TxD-C 14 DTR-C 33 DD-D
4 DB-C 15 DCD-C 34 CTS-D
5 RxD-C 22 DA-C 36 DSR-D
7 RTS-C 24 BSY-C 38 GND-D
8 DD-C 28 TxD-D 39 DTR-D
9 CTS-C 29 DB-D 40 DCD-D
11 DSR-C 30 RxD-D 47 DA-D
13 GND-C 32 RTS-D 49 BSY-D
The pinout of J1 is exactly similar; substitute "E" for "C" and
"F" for "D".
Power requirements are +5V @ 5A.
501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, 6U VME
Used with various 6U/9U VME adapters to produce the 501-1138,
501-1149, and 501-1167. Uses PALs and logic sequencers to
implement SCSI protocols. Frequently found in Sun-3's despite
There are DIP switches at U702 and U704. The bits are inverted,
so the default settings correspond to an address of 0x200000.
U702 VMEbus address, low bits
1-4 not connected
5-8 A12-A15 ON by default
U704 VMEbus address, high bits
1-5 A16-A20 ON by default
6 A21 OFF by default
7-8 A22-A23 ON by default
501-1138 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, external, VME
A 501-1045 6U VME SCSI host adapter in a 270-1138 6U/9U VME
adapter, which provides only an external D50 connection. See
501-1045. See 3/50 motherboard listing for pinout.
501-1149 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, internal, VME
A 501-1045 6U VME SCSI host adapter in a 270-1059 6U/9U VME
adapter, which provides only an internal connection to VME slot
7 in 12-slot chassis. See 501-1045.
501-1167 "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter, external/internal, VME
A 501-1045 6U VME SCSI host adapter in a 270-1059 6U/9U VME
adapter, which provides only an internal connection to VME slot
7 in 12-slot chassis, but also with a 530-1282 cable/connector
to provide an external D50 connection as well. See 501-1045. In
order to use both sides of the bus, it is generally necessary to
remove the SCSI terminators from the 501-1045 board. See 3/50
motherboard listing for external pinout. Has a holder for a
coin battery which drives a clock chip that Suns don't use (see
Misc Q&A #6).
501-1170 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, internal, VME
A 501-1236 6U VME SCSI host adapter in a 270-1059 6U/9U VME
adapter, which provides only an internal connection to VME slot
7 in 12-slot chassis.
501-1217 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, external, VME
A 501-1236 6U VME SCSI host adapter in a 270-1138 6U/9U VME
adapter, which provides only an external D50 connection. See
501-1236. See 3/50 motherboard listing for pinout.
501-1236 "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter, 6U VME
Used with various 6U/9U VME adapters to produce the 501-1170 and
501-1217. Can also be used with a 270-1059 6U/9U VME adapter (as
in the 501-1170) paired with a 530-1282 cable/connector to
provide an external D50 connection as well (generally requires
removing the SCSI terminators from the 501-1236 to use both
sides of the bus); this configuration was never supported by
Sun, so it doesn't have a part number, but is supposed to work.
Uses an NCR5380 SCSI chip.
There are DIP switches at U408 and U409.
SW1 VMEbus address
At U409.
1-2 ON by default
3 OFF by default
4-8 ON by default
SW2 VMEbus address
At U408.
1 ON by default
2 ON for first host adapter, OFF for second
3-5 ON by default
6-8 not connected